The Patriot Resource - The Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings Races: Elves
Arwen Evenstar
Arwen Evenstar

Other Elves that appear in The Lord of the Rings:
- Gil-galad

Elves are immortal. They can only die in battle. When they grow tired of Middle Earth, they go to the Grey Havens, which are near The Shire and sail to the Undying Lands. as the Third Age of Middle Earth comes to an end, the time of the Elves is waning. Only a few remain. Elves have a love of nature and they live in forests. They are skilled craftsmen. Major settlements remain in Lothlórien (home of Celeborn and Galadriel), Mirkwood (home of Legolas), and Rivendell (home to Elrond). They distrust Dwarves because of their greedy tendancies.

Even as their time is waning, Elves play an important role in Sauron's defeat. Arwen bears a wounded Frodo to safety. Elrond heals Frodo and later sends Haldir with a force of Elves to assist King Théoden in the defense of Helm's Deep. Elrond also brings the reforged Narsil to Aragorn. Celeborn gives the Fellowship sanctuary in his domain. Galadriel gives each member of the Fellowship gifts, many of which aid in the completion of their quest. Legolas was part of the Fellowship.

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