The Patriot Resource - The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings Middle Earth Places: Tombs of the Stewards

Tombs of the Dead

Tombs of the Stewards:
- Appears in The Return of the King
- Located within The Citadel in Minas Tirith

Denethor was already in despair over the death of Boromir and the growing tidings of impending war from Mordor. He encourages Faramir to launch a suicidal counterattack on Osgiliath. When Faramir returns severely wounded, Denethor orders a pyre to be prepared in the chamber of the Tombs of the Stewards. Pippin realizes that Faramir is still alive and tries to stop him, but Denethor throws him out of the Tombs, discharging him from his duty to Gondor. Pippin then goes to get Gandalf and together they manage to save Faramir. Denethor, however, catches on fire on the pyre and runs out of the Tombs and falls to his death.

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