International Response by Date:
September 22, 2001 - September 25, 2001

Australia - Prime Minister John Howard's Doorstop Press Conference
Cuba - President Fidel Castro's Speech on International Terrorism
France - Foreign Minister Hubert Védrine's Interview with Le Monde Newspaper (excerpts)
India - Ambassador to the US, Lelit Mansingh's Interview on Fox News
Turkey - Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit's Press Release on Support for U.S. Response

Japan - Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at Memorial Ceremony for All Victims
European Union - Justice Minister Marc Verwilghen's Phone Conversation with U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft

Algeria -Ambassador Idriss Jazairy Informal Meeting with U.S. Congressional Staffers
Canada - Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Photo Op with President George W. Bush
Canada #2 - Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Speech for 2001 Confederation Dinner (Edited)
France - Prime Minister Lionel Jospin Speaks at the Inst. of Higher National Defense Studies
Russia - President Vladimir Putin's Statement on Campaign Against Terrorism
Russia #2 - Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov's Statement to the UN General Assembly
United Kingdom - Ministers Meet with Muslim Community Leaders
United Kingdom #2 - Prime Minister's Official Spokesman: Lobby Briefing
United Kingdom #3 - Foreign Minister for Europe Peter Hain's Article in The Guardian
United Nations - Secretary General Kofi Annan's Address to the UN General Assembly

Canada - Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Statement on Canadian Partnership with US
Canada #2 - Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Statement on Canadian Counter-Terrorism
Greece - Greek Government's Statement on Allowing the Use of Its Airspace
Japan - Government of Japan's Response to the Attacks and Policy Against Terrorism
Russia - President Vladimir Putin Addresses the German Bundestag
Saudi Arabia - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Breaks Off Relations With Afghanistan
United Kingdom - Prime Minister Tony Blair's Statement on Britain's Role in Coalition
United Kingdom #2 - Prime Minister's Official Spokesman: Lobby Briefing
United Kingdom #3 - Financial Services Authority Investigates Financial Insider Trading
United Nations - Secretary General Kofi Annan's Statement on Afghani Need for Aid