The Patriot Resource - American Revolution

British Colonel Banastre Tarleton
Banastre Tarleton Born: August 21, 1754; Liverpool, England
Died: January 16, 1833;

Battles: Fort Sullivan, Monck's Corner, Siege of Charleston, Waxhaws, Camden, Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse

Janauary 1 - Banastre Tarleton is ordered by Lt. General Charles Cornwallis to pursue Brig. General Daniel Morgan.
January 17 - Banastre Tarleton is defeated at the Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina.
January 27 - Banastre Tarleton submits his resignation and requests a general courtmartial.
January 30 - Banastre Tarleton's resignation and request for a courtmartial are denied.
February 1 - Banastre Tarleton defeats Patriot militia at Tarrent's Tavern, North Carolina.
March 6 - Banastre Tarleton skirmishes with Patriot militia at Wetzell's Mill, North Carolina.
March 15 - Banastre Tarleton is present at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina.
May - Banastre Tarleton rides north to Virginia with Lt. General Charles Cornwallis.
June 3 - Banastre Tarleton sets out to raid Charlottesville, Virginia.
October 3 - Banastre Tarleton is captured at Gloucester Point, Virginia.

January - Banastre Tarleton returns to England.

- Banastre Tarleton is criticized in a series of letters in the London papers for his actions at the Battle of Cowpens.

December 17 - Banastre Tarleton marries Susan Priscilla Bertie.

January 16 - Banastre Tarleton dies.

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