Declaration of Independence
Primary Documents: The War (1775-1781)

March 22: Conciliation with America
March 23: Patrick Henry's Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death Speech
April: (5 documents) Reports of British Officers on the Battles of Lexington and Concord
April: Paul Revere's Memorandum on the Events of April 18, 1775
April 29: John Dickinson Letter to Arthur Lee Describing the Events of April 19, 1775
May 29: Continental Congress Letter to the Inhabitants of Canada
May 31: Charlotte Town Resolves
June 17: Commission of George Washington
June 20: Instructions to George Washington
June 22: British Account of Bunker Hill
June 30: Articles of War
July 6: Declaration of the Causes
July 8: Olive Branch Petition
July 13: Speech to the Six Nations
July 25: Address to the Assembly of Jamaica
July 28: Address to the Assembly of Ireland
August 23: Proclamation by the King on Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition

January 10: Common Sense (Published). Written by Thomas Paine.
June 12: Virginia Declaration of Rights
June 28: Declaration of Independence: Jefferson's Draft.
June 29: Constitution of Virginia
July 4: Declaration of Independence: Final Draft. Adopted by the Continental Congress.
October 21: Concord Town Meeting Resolution

June 20: Maj. General John Burgoyne's Proclamation
July: Ranger Recruitment Handbill by John Paul Jones
October 16: Saratoga Articles of Convention. Terms of the British surrender.
October 18: Hessian Account of Defeat and Surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga
November 15: Articles of Confederation. Adopted by the Continental Congress

February 6: Treaty of Alliance with France (signed)
July 4: British Account of the Battle of Monmouth Courthouse
September 17: Treaty with the Delawares

May 29: Dr. Robert Brownfield's Waxhaws Letter. Written after the war in 1821 concerning Waxhaws.

March-May: Major Robert Farmar's Journal of the Siege of Pensacola.
October 19: Articles of Capitulation. Terms of British surrender following Yorktown.

Picture: Signing of the Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull

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