Stamp Act
Primary Documents: 1763-1765

February 10: Treaty of Paris of 1763 - The end of the French and indian War
October 7: Proclamation Act of 1763

April 5: Sugar Act
September 1: Currency Act
October 18: New York Petition to the House of Commons
November 3: Massachusetts Petition to the House of Commons
December 18: Virginia House of Burgesses Petition to the House of Commons

March 22-January 14, 1766: Stamp Act & Response (5 documents)
May 15: Quartering Act of 1765
October 25: Massachusetts Assembly to Governor Bernard
October 31: New York Merchants Non-Importation Agreement

Picture: Engraving Titled "The Repeal or the Funeral Procession of Miss Americ-Stamp"

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